Can You Say This?

The world we live in today is full of self-appointed judges and juries. People fall either in the category of having aand giving an opinion on most everything, or they are afraid to say anything lest it be misinterpreted. Having a conversation between equals who may or may not agree is becoming a thing of the past. Yet, when we look at who is really qualified, can they measure up to this: 

I won’t speak with you much longer, for the ruler of this dark world is coming. But he has no power over me, for he has nothing to use against me.John 14:30 (TPT)

Jesus came into this world to proclaim the message of salvation given to Him by His Father. He had power to command the attention of the whole world at that time. Yet, He went to villages, had dinner at homes, spoke in the temple to small groups, and every now and then spoke to a crowd of five thousand or more. He spent most of His time during His ministry working with twelve itinerant preachers, with one of them being a crook!

Yet, when He faced the greatest trial of His life, He said to His disciples, from that point on He was not going to saymuch, because although the prince of the power of the air was coming after Him, He didn’t have anything that He could use against Him. Although the disciples had no idea what He meant having no frame of reference for what was going to unfold, we do have a framework. We know that the real enemy of our soul is an accuser of the brethren. Can we say like Jesus, ‘he has no power over me, for he has nothing to use against me". Have we settled our issues at the cross?

We can only be free when we have taken all of our sin and shame; all of our foolish mistakes and outright frailities to the One who chose to stay silent in His darkest hour. For it is not words that can redeem us, only that precious blood that flowed from Calvary’s cross can redeem us and free us from the penalty of our failures and sins.

We can all take a lesson from that fateful conversation Jesus had with His disciples, it is not winning an argument that is going to convince an unbelieving world, it is the consistent work of prayer – praying to the One who not only can forgive sins but is merciful enough to do so with the worst of us.
