Many people decide on one word at the beginning of the year that describes the action or task they want to guide them throughout the year. For the past couple of days I have given one word and with God’s help I want to continue:
Dearly loved friend, I was fully intending to write to you about our amazing salvation we all participate in, but felt the need instead to challenge you to vigorously defend and contend for the beliefs that we cherish. For God, through the apostles, has once for all entrusted these truths to his holy believers. Jude 1:3 (TPT)
We see here that Jude felt that there was one thing that all he was writing to could agree on – that once they were lost and now they were found. He then went on to feel as if they did cherish the same beliefs. Jude would have a hard time today because you can hardly find two people who agree on the same beliefs, even though they ascribe to be Christian. Hopefully this is an exaggeration and there are certain values that at least most Christians adhere to.
That being said, can we contend? Can we fight together as believers for certain truths that were given to us by God Himself?
Can we contend for the lives and the futures of our children? Can we contend and believe that our nation will not go down in division, but will find common ground to unite? Can we believe that there will be an end to this advancing demon of disease sweeping across the world? Can we believe that in spite of our differences we can love and respect each other as fellow human beings?
While these may appear to be lofty and behold our reach, they are rooted fundamentally in scripture (see below)- and worth fighting for no matter what the season or period of time.
Luke 18:15-17; Proverbs 14:34; Exodus 23:25; John 13:33-35