Gather Together!!

​It hasn’t been so long that I haven’t forgotten what it is like to be quarantined (without sickness) with small children for long periods of time. Having had eight children, there were plenty of times when I was locked in with no way out in sight. Too many little ones to even walk around the block. That is still why some refer to me as the "moving target". I love to be on the move!

Well mothers, God has always had a special place in His heart for you. In my day, we were glad to get a phone call. Today, there are countless ways you can congregate together, without ever leaving your house:

Do it again, Lord! Save us, O Lord, our God!
Gather us from our exile and unite us together
so that we will give our great and joyous thanks to you again
and bring you glory by our praises.
48 Blessed be our Lord God forever and ever.
And let everyone everywhere say, "Hallelujah!"
Amen! Faithful is our King! Psalm 106:47-48 (TPT)

While we really haven’t been in exile like Israel, it may seem like it! How about it  Moms, take advantage of the gathering tonight that iFlourish is having – a Moms night out:

Go to Facebook and look for iFlourish community, the event is there and it is free!

If you can’t make it tonight, why not do something on your own. Everyone seems to be taking advantage of FB Live; then there is free conference, there is Zoom and GotoMeeting, and so many others.

Don’t try to do this pandemic alone – gather together – have fun, and praise the Lord!
