This Kind of Faith!

In an agrarian society, much depends upon the condition of the crops. If the crops fail, not only will tables go bare, but the means to acquire other necessary things as well. Famine whether from raging storms or enemy invaders was a devastating thing for farmers in the Old Testament world. 

While most of us live in urban areas today and are removed from the horrors of crop failure, whatever the reason, we are still beset with fears. While many of them are self-imposed, they are very real. The only real antidote for fear is  faith in God. We all have to come to an understanding that we do not have control over our circumstances. When we realize that, we have to determine who or what we will put our trust in. The prophet Habakuk struggled with many questions concerning the homeland that he loved. He recognized the depravity of his nation, but he also was acutely aware of the powerful evil nations that surrounded them. When all was said and done, Habakuk came to this conclusion:

Even if the fig tree does not blossom
and there are no grapes on the vines,
If the olive trees fail to give fruit
and the fields produce no food,
If the flocks die far from the fold
and there are no cattle in the stalls;
18 Then I will still rejoice in the Eternal!
I will rejoice in the God who saves me!
19 The Eternal Lord is my strength!
He has made my feet like the feet of a deer;
He allows me to walk on high places. Habakuk 3:17-19 (The Voice)

Knowing the dreadful fate that Judah had over her head – devastation was going to come from somewhere because of her sin; Habakuk nonetheless decided that not only was he going to trust in the LORD, but he was going to rejoice in the Lord. For he knew that whatever the circumstances, God was more than able to strengthen his feet, give him speed and agility to rise above his circumstances. He didn’t need the control – God had it! That was more than enough for him, it is more than enough for us!
