Talk, Talk, Talk!

Talk, talk, talk! Talk is flooding the airways, the technology devices, the phone that everyone has in their possession. In essence, every possible person or thing is full of conversation. Believers should be concerned about one thing in particular when it comes to “talk”:

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. Colossians 4:5-6 (NLT)

With all the conversation going on, as believers we need to take advantage of any and all opportunities to give a good Word, what the writer of Colossians says, “the right response”. That response does not have to be a theological discourse, it could be speaking a kind word into the life of the hearer, giving them encouragement. It could be turning a negative conversation about our government into a positive one, highlighting how grateful we need to be for the freedom to engage in open conversations in the public square. It could be asking your hearer, “how can I pray for you”?

Whatever the response, it should be one that is backed by what the hearer knows about you. Do they know you to be fair and honest; non-judgmental, kind, generous? Do they have an off-color remark that you made ringing in their head? Does their mental picture of you conjure up something that does not fit with you talking about Christ?

Every day we are a book read by someone. What kind of rating would the world give to your book?



  1. Ruby on May 8, 2023 at 8:03 pm

    Amen. I have been more conscious of my “talk” lately. Evil communication corrupts good manners.