What is Worship?

​When it comes to worship, the contemporary church often sets an atmosphere that mimics the contemporary world. Wanting to be a place where all will be welcome, there is often an evironment set that is all too familiar to the world.

There is a passage of scripture that lets us know what is "essential worship"; it is found in Romans 12:1-2, I’m using The Voice translation::

Brothers and sisters, in light of all I have shared with you about God’s mercies, I urge you to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice to God, a sacred offering that brings Him pleasure; this is your reasonable, essential worship. 2 Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.

While this passage denotes our individual offering of ourselves to God as essential worship, it clarifies some important points in verse 2.  First of all we should not allow the world to mold us into their image. Secondly, our transformation should emanate from the inside of us, where the Holy Spirit dwells, thereby God’s Spirit discerns what God finds pleasing and complete.

Whereas the stage, the lighting, and the backdrop may not be of significance to God, our attitude and our concentration is. Worship must be flow from our heart to God, and reflect in our lives a transformed mind.
