For the rest of this week as HeartLife Ministries prepares for its’ annual marriage get-away, we are going to pray. We are going to pray for our families, for our friends, for our neighbors, for our communities, our churches, our nation, yes, even our world. What better way than to beseech God through His own words, taken from the Book of Life:
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable and pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my [firm, immovable] rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 (AMP)
Father, we want to "come into your presence with singing, to enter your courts with praise, to be thankful unto you and bless your name". We want to extol you as our Lord; as our "firm, immovable rock"; as our Redeemer. We bow down with a humble heart acknowledging that without YOU, our Lord, our Savior, our Comforter, our Leader, our Guide, we would not what to do, and certainly not how to do it. We have found confidence in Your Word that we come to you "with our petitions in time of need". We have found that when we seek You in prayer, that you are always available to hear us, and if You hear us, we know that You answer prayer.
We ask oh God that You look upon us this day with a heart of compassion. We beseech You to hear our cry for the salvation of our households, our neighborhood, yes, even God we are crying out for our nation to turn from the idolatry that we have entered into and fall upon our faces with repentance. We know that this begins in the heart of the individual; the individual that recognizes their need for You to come into their life and cleanse their hearts and fill that heart with Your presence. Jesus came that "we might have life and life more abundantly". We seek that abundant life today Father, we ask that our individual lives strive to please You and to honor You in all that we do and say. We ask that You look upon our own households and bring healing and wholeness – making us "one", even as You and Jesus are one. Turn the hearts of the Fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. "Build us up in our most holy faith" that we do not deny Your Name. May we walk with integrity in our purpose and be confident that You, who have begun a good work in our lives, will continue it", throughout our lives.
In Jesus Name, we pray,
italicizes words are scriptural passages