The twenty-six verses of Psalm 136 all have two lines for each verse and the second line of each verse is the same:
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness (graciousness, mercy, compassion) endures forever. Psalm 136;1-2 (AMP)
Everything in this Psalm, from God unveiling His Creation to a trip down the history of Israel – nothing could be cited without realizing that God’s "lovingkindness" endures forever. In the Amplified, lovingkindness is further illuminated by using the descriptive words of "graciousness, mercy, compassion". These are only a few of a multitude of descriptive words that could convey the love God has for us, and even then it wouldn’t be enough.
God reveals HIs love to us from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same. All throughout the day He sheds mercy upon us, His compassion tenderly watches over us even though we are not usually aware; His gracious love bestows us houses we didn’t build and feeds us from vineyards we didn’t plant; with clothes we didn’t make.
We have a heart that beats from before we were born, until the day He takes us home. We have an intricate blood system with hundreds of cells and the strangest set of organs that keep our body functioning. Have you ever thought about how much we see from the two little eyes that we have been given? Or how much comes through our brain during an ordinary conversation?
We could go on and on extolling the many gifts God has poured out on us and yet the greatest gift of all:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (KJV)