A More Sure Word of Prophecy!

​As the old folks used to say, I cut my teeth on the KJV of the Bible. The words are engrained on my soul and when I am looking for a particular passage I know key words in the KJV I can use to look it up However, I recognize that we no longer speak the King’s English, so I try to look at other versions to make clear to others what I am hearing in my heart. Such is the case with 1 Peter 1:19; I love the descriptive language of this verse in KJV, but for our purposes today I will use the TLB:

So we have seen and proved that what the prophets said came true. You will do well to pay close attention to everything they have written, for, like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be dark and difficult. But when you consider the wonderful truth of the prophets’ words, then the light will dawn in your souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in your hearts. 1Peter 1:19 (TLB)

In this passage of scripture the Apostle Peter is referencing the time he and John saw and heard from heaven on the Mount of Transfiguration. They heard God speak from heaven that Jesus was His beloved Son. They no longer needed any other validation, it became sealed in their hearts. In this passage, Peter is telling us that we need to pay close attention to all that has been written of the Messiah, for not only will it help us to understand the times, but will keep us through dark and difficult days. For when we see before our eyes the very things that the prophets spoke of many hundreds of years ago, then we too will receive a validation of Christ, as the Morning Star, and it will be sealed in our hearts.

When we think of the continuity of scripture that speaks of Jesus, where in the Old Testament He was concealed, and the New Testament He was revealed – then we have hope that every page turning description of the end-times spoken in Revelation will result in our coming face-to-face with the triumphant Christ! If heaven is our aim, it will help us walk a little taller and speak with more confidence. This world is not our home, it is but a way-station on the road to an eternal home where we will live forever and ever with our King!

Be strengthened in your heart, make room for the Morning Star to arise and shine!
