Have you ever had a dream that you brought before the Giver of Dreams and you felt certain that He said it would come to pass? How many of us have heard a Word from God assuring us that we should continue to pray for a thing, because that thing was certainly to come into fruition. Days, months, even years go by and nothing comes forth, what should you do:

This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. Habakkuk 2:3(NLT) 

I have been privileged to have an entourage of prayers answered lately. They were important prayers and I am very, very grateful. However, there are some prayers that I have been waiting on for a very long time. Prophetic promises issued years ago, still nothing in sight. While we can rejoice over that which is happened, depending upon how important that unanswered prayer is to you, it could cause you to be faint at heart. Habakkuk urge us in this simple passage to "wait patiently" for it, and further says, "it will not be delayed".  In the second verse of this chapter it reads:

"Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. Habakkuk 2:2

Here we see two key things, first it needs to be written out plainly so that the reader whose running with it can read it. Who is the reader carrying your vision? I know that I am the reader carrying my vision. While I run with it, I must also wait. A sure dichotomy. Yet, God is not confused. He knows our human nature. He knows that we will "hear" and then "run" with a promise. While we run however, we might get weary, we might even falter along the way. This is where this scripture makes sense. We cannot ever really run in our strength to attain a promise, it is only in the strength of God that we are able to really accomplish anything. A better course of action is to "wait" on God, listening for His instructions. Just as He instructed the Israelites to follow the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, so too will He give us the "way’ to seeing every promise He has declared fulfilled. When it comes, the rejoicing in our hearts lets us know, it is worth it to "wait on it"!
