I Choose Joy!

I woke up this morning with a song in my heart. It’s not a new song, but so relevant for me today:

To tell the truth, this world is full of trouble
And if we live long enough it’s sure to come our way
We’ve a choice to walk in fear and trembling
Or claim the victory that’s already ours this very day

I choose joy
I’ll never let the problems keep me down
Cause the Lord is working all things out
For my good
I choose joy… (Sung by Larnelle Harris)

Yes, joy is a choice! There is enough going on around us to keep us looking down, it takes a conscientious choice to look up! To see the good. To believe the best. To trust the unseen mover in our life. 

When we ‘choose’ to believe that God is working all things out for our good, something happens in our life. Our blood pressure becomes stable, our heart stops palpitating, our whole being relaxes into a peace that cannot be explained. It is a phenomenal experience! 

When I turn to the Psalmist, he expresses my sentiment again:

Help me hear joy and happiness as my accompaniment, so my bones, which You have broken, will dance in delight instead.Psalm 51:8 (The Voice)

Oh Father, today, I choose joy!
