Use What You’ve Got!
I taught World History in High School and one of my favorite topics was teaching about the Renaissance, particularly after completing the unit on the Dark Ages. Afters I became a Christian, I was even more in tune with the Reformation and these two units would bring out the best in my teaching skills. Today I marvel at the number of creative people there are. I’m sure it’s no more than any other generation (even the Renaissance), but with all the capabilities we have to put it on display, it is as if this generation has come alive.
Whatever the generation and whatever the gift, we can all do one thing for the world:
24 and let us consider [thoughtfully] how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds, Hebrews 10:24 (AMP)
It has been said that children learn by precept and example, I think adults do too. So whether by precept, or by example, we can all do good deeds that have the potential to spur on someone else to do them too. They don’t have to be spectacular events, even practicing smiling at strangers has the potential to make someone’s day. Someone told me the other day as I came out of a business establishment, “with these masks on, I don’t know whether you are smiling or frowning”. I readily told her, “I am smiling – the sun is shining and it is a beautiful day”. A simple statement, didn’t cost me anything – maybe she’ll pass it on.
There are just as many needs as there are potential to do good deeds – havre you ever thought if 100 people give only $10.00 to St. Jude that it adds up to $1,000.00. What about we give up our Starbucks for a month (5.50 x 20 equals $110.00 – think if we pledged that to St. Jude each month or Ronald McDonald’s House or Make A Wish Foundation? Think what good could be done for children and families suffering dehabilitating illnesses.
I”m not making a formal plea for those organizations, as much as suggesting ways we can with little effort perform good deeds that could take off within the small space of the world that we live in. And even if that is not possible for you, think of this:
Therefore, confess your sins to oneanother [your false steps, your offenses], and prayforoneanother, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].James 5:16 (AMP)
I had this same conversation about smiling under the mask with a stranger yesterday. That’s why I speak when I pass someone.