A Faith That Brings It In!

Yesterday we began to look at the question of what is faith? Abraham is said to be the father of faith, for he exemplified faith in action:

18 Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed the promise and expected God to fulfill it. He took God at his word, and as a result he became the father of many nations. God’s declaration over him came to pass:

“Your descendants will be so many
    that they will be impossible to count!”

In spite of being nearly one hundred years old when the promise of having a son was made, his faith was so strong that it could not be undermined by the fact that he and Sarah were incapable of conceiving a child. 20–21 He never stopped believing God’s promise, for he was made strong in his faith to father a child. And because he was mighty in faith and convinced that God had all the power needed to fulfill his promises, Abraham glorified God! Romans 4:18-21 (TPT)

Long before Hebrews 11 was ever penned, Abraham was assured that that which he ‘hoped for’ would surely come to pass. As the above scripture notes, “He took God at his word”! Faith is simply that, taking God at His Word, being sure that if God said it, no matter how impossible it seems to our eyes, God will in fact make it so.

In the case of Abraham, God took a physically impossible situation, and manifested a promise in that situation. Abraham was almost one hundred years old, and his wife Sarah had gone throughout the years of their marriage as a barren woman. Yet God promises that Abraham’s descendants would be so many it would not even be possible to count them. How could God bring one heir from Abraham and Sarah’s union in this physically impossible situation? Yet, we see above that Abraham “never stopped believing God’s promise”. In fact it says, “he was made strong in his faith to father a child”!

Here is the key to unlocking the faith dimension in our lives. If we never stop believing God’s promise, than we will be made strong in our faith to usher that promise in. For some promises you will never be able to do it on your own – it will take the grace and the power of God to make it happen. the longer we have to contend for the promise, the longer where we have to believe, and believing will make our faith strong. While it may not take mountain moving faith to receive every promise, it doesn’t hurt to have mountain moving faith for every situation. Just like your physical body, which increases capacity the more you reinforce exercise; so too, our spirit man increases capacity the more we reinforce it in faith-filled prayer.

Maybe you’re not looking for a physical heir, but every one of us have a spiritual legacy to leave – let’s P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) never, ever, ever giving up!



  1. Elaine on May 6, 2021 at 8:44 pm

    The reminder of Abraham helps me believe in impossible odds.