Maintaining This Challenge, Even Now…

​It is one thing to be landlocked – to have no way out to the ocean or sea, it is quite another to be “houselocked” – to have no legal means of leaving your premises. Yet, due to coronavirus, we no know what that is like. Hopefully we learned some things during our quarantines of how to stay in contact with others. In case you have run out of ways to communicate with people that will lift and encourage them, I challenge you to think about the things below. Nothing makes us feel better than hearing some good news:

Like a drink of cool water to a weary, thirsty soul, so hearing good news revives the spirit. Proverbs 25:25 (TPT)

What if we all challenged ourselves to call at least three people every day and share with them something that you know that is good, like:

1. that you woke up this morning in your right mind (depending upon how old you are, this can really be a blessing)

2. that your arms and hands and fingers and legs and feet still move and they can take you where you need to go

3. that you live in a warm home

4. that you could go to the refrigerator and get something to eat, and then to a working stove to cook it

5. that you had food because you had money to buy it

6. that you had running water to clean yourself

7. that you had electricity to turn on the lights

8 .that you were able to say good morning to either someone in your house, or could call someone to tell them good morning

9. that you had a means to communicate with the world outside your house

10. that you have a relationship with the God who gave all the above blessings to richly enjoy!
