One Step…
Today I took a small step toward my financial future. I changed a vendor I have been using for many years to turn my business over to someone else. It will not result in making me a millionaire but it will roughly save me about $600.00 per year. Six hundred dollars a year for 5 years is $3,000 and in ten years is $6,000! With just a little effort I could take this savings and pay down a couple of years off of my mortgage.
While that was not my objective when I decided to change vendors, once I did it, possibilities began to unfold. For one good decision leads to another. There is someone in the animal kingdom that knows that:
6When you’re feeling lazy,
come and learn a lesson from this tale of the tiny ant.
Yes, all you lazybones, come learn
from the example of the ant and enter into wisdom.
7The ants have no chief, no boss, no manager—
no one has to tell them what to do.
8You’ll see them working and toiling all summer long,
stockpiling their food in preparation for winter.
9So wake up, sleepyhead. How long will you lie there?
When will you wake up and get out of bed?
10If you keep nodding off and thinking, “I’ll do it later,”
or say to yourself, “I’ll just sit back awhile and take it easy,”
just watch how the future unfolds! Proverbs 6:6-10 (TPT)
One of the smallest of all creations knows that there is a way you can prepare for your future – they use diligence and hard work! Instead of enjoying the lazy days of summer, they work all summer long preparing for the winter that is to come.
I am not opposed to companies making money. That is why they are in business. However, the joy of having our economic system is that there is more than one provider for every type of service that you need. Competition affords the consumer the opportunity to choose – I want to be like some of God’s smarter creations and choose wisely!