
When all is said and done in our lives; when the years of our youth have passed away and we look into the brevity of our lives – what is the one thing that is most asked for -it is peace. It makes it to the top ten list of things people want most in nearly every survey. Though it is highly sought after, it is hard to attain. There’s a way that we seek for it in our humanity, and then, there is another way:

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (KJV)

Our youthful days are filled with excitement and anticipation. But they are also filled with anxiety and worry. We wonder if the things that are pulsating in our hearts will ever come to pass. Some things come, others don’t. The years past and it is no longer anticipation, as much as as learning to live with what is. We determine that we’re going to make the best of our lot in life, as long as we can have peace.

Now this mindset is not a spiritual conclusion. However, when the determination to have peace is based on faith in a God who promises to meet our needs, then we learn to pray and thank God and leave the results up to Him. Because then and only then do we have a “peace that passes all understanding”. We have ceased fumbling and fretting because we know the God that brings peace within us, if we’ll let Him.

It would be good not to have to wait until our golden years to know and trust the God who can do anything but fail. Putting our hopes, our dreams, our challenges, even our failures in a basket up before God, and leaving them there, will always result in peace, a peace that will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
