This is God’s Decree…
One of the things you can count on as you grow in God is that your trust in Him will increase. It increases to the proportion that it has stood with the tests and trials in our life. If there have been few trials, it is probably also true that you might not be as assured in God’s ability to handle everything in your life. Conversely, when there have been many trials, the significance and impact of those trials that God brought you through has caused you to believe God, no matter who or what comes your way.
So we read:
but no weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged.
Any accuser who takes you to court
will be dismissed as a liar.
This is what God’s servants can expect.
I’ll see to it that everything works out for the best.”
God’s Decree. Isaiah 54:17 (MSG)
The only way you find this scripture to be true is to have weapons forged, and then find out that they could not prosper. While none of us ask for or like trials and tribulations, the fact is they are going to come in this life. We live in a fallen world where evil exists. What I take from this passage and have always taken is that evil will not triumph in my life, whether it is systemic evil or the evil of one who is trying to do me evil. The Word of the Lord that everything will work out for the best has proved to be true in my life, and in the lives of so many believers that I know.
What we must do is grab hold of the horns of the altar, believe God above all else, stand flat-footed on the promises of God, wait on the Lord for our change to come- and with all that is in you trust Him to work in your behalf. Our God who is faithful will perform it for you.