Perfect Love…

One thing the television and other forms of media have done is to make us seek for love. Unfortunately, many of us seek for love in all the wrong places. There is a place we can seek that will never hurt us or forsake us, it is finding love in God:

And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.1 John 4:17 (NLT)

Whether we will admit it or not, each of us is born with a conscience. That place in us that let’s us know when we are doing things right, or when we are doing things wrong. Like an alarm, our conscience will speak loudly at first when we are going in the wrong direction. However, with repeatedly ignoring the warning, the sound will become dim.

The opposite happens when we seek to live a life in God. “...our love grows more perfect”, thus we gain confidence, not fear. We not only want to live like Jesus, we also find we are becoming like Jesus. The Holy Spirit with our permission is “perfecting those things that concern us“. What a marvelous trade-off, we give Him the right to do surgery on our heart, and our heart becomes brand new. We give Him permission to transform our thinking and all of a sudden we turn from wanting to do wrong, to wanting to do right!

We don’t have to wait until the Day of Judgement to find out if we are in God. For “judgement belongs at the house of God”. It’s like taking those practice tests before the real one, we find out daily if we are living in God, or easing up to the devil. Our love barometer let’s us know.
